My long awaited European vacation has finally arrived! After one snowstorm, half a novel, two mediocre plane meals, three didn't-bother-to-watch movies and fifteen lethargic hours -- seasoned with small bursts of frenzied activity -- I am finally in France! I've been so busy since I got here, so Sunday has arrived with a large sigh of relief. A small but satisfying break, time to relax, heal from a bothersome sore throat, and of course, blog.
Packing was possibly the worst part of the entire ordeal -- even compared to the airport! It felt like the last quarter of the mile run, when the track seems to grow longer and longer and you're afraid it's never going to end. Pack, weigh, rearrange, weigh, take out the canned soup, weigh, rearrange again, weigh, unpack, start over, pack, weigh, scream into a couch cushion to cure a momentary bout of insanity, weigh again, pack again. Over and over.
Plus, you have to realize that my mom was in France at the time. Frequent phone calls.
-- Side note: my mom's French. She grew up in Le Mans for the first 20 years of her life. She then met my dad in America and they've been living on that side of the Atlantic for the last 22 years. Most of my mom's family still lives in France. She left earlier for my Uncle's wedding, which I learned of after purchasing my tickets. The $150 fee (plus the ticket difference) was out of my budget, so I couldn't change my departure date. --
Back to the story. My mother, miles away as she was, took to my packing disaster with a tenacity that'd even cause Pepper Potts to smile in admiration.
This is how it went. I had my suitcase packed and weighed (47 lbs. -- Perfect!) and then -- RING! RING!
Mom: Did you remember to pack your Aunt's package that she mailed? The one full of scrapbooking supplies? It should have come in the mail several weeks ago. It came with several boxes of plastic dividers.
Me: Uh, I got some random small bags of scrapbooking supplies, but not the dividers. She wants those too?
Mom: Yeah, she does, go see if you can fit them in.
Me: Ok, sure...
About an hour later, after countless more similar phone calls and a tearful goodbye to a black dress and a pair of brown boots....
Mom: You're going skiing with Sylvain, remember? Did you pack snow gear?
Me: As in, snow pants, snow boots, snow gloves? No.
Mom: You're going to need them. I doubt you'll have any room. You should just grab another suitcase of ours, they should be in the attic. That way you can take all the clothes you'll need and still have room for all the gifts. Have dad pay the extra bag's fee.
Me: <ecstatic>
And so, the process started anew.
Tips and Tricks:
- If you're traveling during the winter, especially if it's for a long period of time, wear a large coat to the airport and carry a second in your arms. There's always room to stuff the coats above you with your carry-on, and you'll be glad to have a second coat to switch things up a bit, because you'll be wearing them a LOT.
- Roll up your clothes military style to make more room in your suitcase.
- Remember, liquids are not allowed in your carry-ons. Make sure any liquid foundations, perfumes, canned soup, peanut butter, and whatever else you may have are in your suitcase.
- Wear shoes that you can easily take on and off, and don't wear too much jewelry. This will save you time at security.
- If you take a laptop, it has to go in your carry-on. Also, make sure it is easily accessible, because you'll need to take it out briefly at security.
- Pack all your "essentials" in your carry-on. You never know if your suitcases will actually make it with you or not.
- If you are planning to take an extra suitcase, check them in online at least one day in advance. You'll save 5 euros from the extra baggage fee.
Good post and good tips!! Thanks for sharing, Jasmine. Maria B.
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